Anti-wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle Injections
Anti-wrinkle injections are the perfect anti-ageing solution for anyone concerned about fine lines, unwanted facial expression, and deep creases or for anyone wanting to prevent lines from occurring ( forehead lines , Crow's lines, Frown lines etc )
Cost: The price per unit of anti-wrinkle injection varies between $12-$14
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar or Dr Tina Zhong

Non-surgical brow lift with anti wrinkle injections
Non-surgical brow lift can be achieved using anti-wrinkle injections
Cost: approx. $250
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar or Dr Tina Zhong

Lip flip
Lip flip can subtly turn out the upper lip to make the lips appear fuller. It works by relaxing the muscle around the mouth with anti-wrinkle injections.
Cost: approx. $100
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar or Dr Tina Zhong

Gummy Smile Treatment
Gummy Smile Treatment
A gummy smile can easily and effectively be treated with anti wrinkle injections. The treatment is usually effective, and the results last 2-3 months;
Cost: approx. $150
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar

Migraine & Headache Treatment
Migraine & Headache Treatment
Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to treat Headaches, migraines & teeth grinding.
By treating the frown and forehead with anti-wrinkle injections patients with migraines and tension can get improvement in their symptoms.
Cost: (treatments costs vary from $300-$500 depending on units used)
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar
Teeth Grinding
Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to treat teeth grinding. We can treat the TMJ / masseter muscle in patients who are teeth grinders.
Cost: (treatments costs vary from $250-$500 depending on units used)
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar
Excessive Sweating
Excessive Sweating : Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to treat hyperhidrosis ( palms , feet , axillae, forehead , upper lip etc ).
When injected under the skin, they inhibit the release of acetylcholine at the nerve synapse. Acetylcholine is a nerve transmitter which is essential for the production of sweat and therefore sweating is reduced .
Cost: (treatments costs vary from $200 -$500 dependant on units used)
Appointments : Book with Dr Binay Kumar