Joanne Melville Mcgrath
Accredited Social Worker & Mental Health Worker
Joann is an accredited Social worker & Mental Health worker . She can see patients under Mental Health Care plans and can help patients deal with mental & social issues inc NDIS
Appointments : Please send referrals to Fax: 03 9088 8177
LOCATION: Lilydale
Out of pocket charges are applicable to all patients

Richard Sedgman
Accredited Social Worker & Mental Health Worker
Richard is an Accredited Social Worker / Mental Health Worker .
Masters of Social Work – Deakin University
Post Graduate in Counselling – Australian College of Applied Psychology
Post Graduate in Family Therapy – Claire-Miran Khan
Richard is a passionate and driven clinician with more than 11 years experience working as a Social Worker and Therapist. He has worked in various settings including Private Practice, inpatient hospitals with patients with mental health and addiction issues, social welfare and also in palliative care. He has also worked in school settings with children as part of kinship care programs. His strengths are about encouraging and working with clients to achieve the best outcomes in life for them through empathy and understanding and a client centred approach. For Richard it is about creating a safe space for clients where they can feel heard and understood in their experience.
Richard’s clinical work centres around the belief that there is potential for every client to “live life” and not just “survive it”.
Children, Adolescents, Adults and Couples.
Depression / Anxiety
Sleep Issues , Stress (Personal or Workplace)
Cognitive Assessments
Richard uses a range of evidence-based approaches, primarily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), but also uses Behavioural Activation and Mindfulness Meditation to help address mental health distress that a Client experiences.
Appointments : Please contact NVP on 1300 830 687 or book online
LOCATION: Lilydale
Out of pocket charges are applicable to all patients

Pam Saunders-Ward
Pam Saunders-Ward, B.Sc. Open-Psychology, M.Sc. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Dip. Integrative Counselling, Certificates in Drug and Alcohol Counselling and Advanced Combat Stress.
Pam is an AHPRA registered Psychologist & Board Approved Supervisor, ACA Registered Level-4 Counsellor & Member of the College of Supervisors and EMDRAA Accredited Consultant.
Pam has worked as a therapist for more than 27 years, with children, adolescents and adults. She has also worked at scenes of major incidents in the UK with first responders and survivors.
Pam is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Eye movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) Practitioner. She had a private practice in the UK for about 17 years collaborating with local schools, social services and the emergency services with a focus on learning/intellectual disabilities and trauma.
When not working in her practice she held tenures at two UK universities as a senior lecturer in CBT and provided clinical supervision and training to a range of individuals and organisations. Since returning to Australia in 2017 Pam has focussed on vulnerable populations and forensics outside of her private practice.
· Assessments mental health
· Therapeutic interventions
· Cognitive Assessment
Areas of focus
· Anxiety disorders
· Mood disorders (Depression)
· Trauma
· Working with people experiencing intellectual and learning difficulties
Appointments : Please send referrals to Fax: 03 9088 8177 or email [email protected]
LOCATION: Lilydale
Out of pocket charges are applicable to all patients
ABN: 65931886692
Business Name: Pam Saunders-Ward

Stefany Klein
Stefany is a Registered Psychologist with AHPRA and the Psychology Board of Australia. She has experience in providing psychological assessment and interventions to children, adolescents and adults.
Stefany provides counselling for a variety of presentations, including:
Post-natal mental health
Personality disorders
Drug & alcohol dependency
Social & emotional problems
ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorder
Grief & loss
Stefany works within a person-centred approach and understands that therapy can sometimes be an overwhelming experience for some clients. Stefany aims to ensure that her clients feel safe, comfortable and understood throughout the therapeutic process. When working with children and young people she aims to provide an engaging and fun experience.
Stefany draws on a number of different therapeutic frameworks when working with clients to ensure that the most appropriate and focused treatment is offered to suit their needs. Some of these frameworks include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Play Therapy, Dialetical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Emotion Focused Therapy, Schema Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, psycho-education, solution focused approaches and using trauma informed care approach to treatment.
Stefany has experience in providing individual counselling, group therapy and Tele-health services.
Appointments : Please send referrals to Fax: 03 9088 8177 or email [email protected] or call 0447 964 176
LOCATION: Lilydale
Out of pocket charges are applicable to all patients
Business Name: Calm Life Psychology