We have a state of art Laser system & offer various cosmetic Laser treatments at the clinic.
Conditions that can be treated include
+ Acne Vulgaris & Rosacea
+ Facial veins
+ Freckles, Melasma & facial pigmentation
+ Leg Spider veins
+ Stretch marks
+ Scars (General)+ Scar reduction in post-surgical wounds
+ Tattoo Removal
+ wrinkles ‘ Ablative resurfacing’
+ Carbon Laser Facials & Laser toning
+ Intraoral (Stop snoring)*
+ Vulvovaginal Atrophy, Vaginal Dryness, + Urinary Incontinence , Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis
For further information , please ring 03 9088 8177 and book a free no obligation consult .